Heat Pumps

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Heat Pump Grant Goes Up To £7500

Air Source Heat Pump Grants in 2024

Rishi Sunak has unveiled alterations to the UK government’s environmental initiatives aimed at achieving net-zero targets, with changes to the heat pump grant program being among them. In his announcement, Rishi emphasized the priority of the country’s long-term interests over short-term political considerations.

Heat Pump Grant 

The grant for the boiler upgrade scheme will increase to £7,500

Rishi expressed confidence that the UK would still achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. His decision to delay the ban on new petrol and diesel cars until 2030, along with other net-zero measures, aims to avoid public backlash and prevent imposing substantial costs on the working population.

Implications for Landlords: Landlords can continue to make improvements to their rental properties, benefiting both themselves and their tenants. Funding remains available under the ECO (Energy Company Obligation) scheme for eligible landlords. However, the emphasis on making energy-efficient changes by 2028 has been removed.

It’s worth noting that the ECO4 scheme will run until March 31, 2026. This presents an opportunity for landlords to apply for funding to offset the cost of energy-efficient upgrades, covering insulation, heating, and renewable energy improvements.

£7500 Heat Pump Grant

Property owners in England and Wales who meet certain criteria are eligible for a heat pump grant of up to £7,500. The eligibility criteria include property ownership, a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) issued within the last 10 years (or obtaining a new one if necessary), and the replacement of fossil fuel heating systems with heat pumps. Despite the delay in banning new boilers until 2035, there has never been a more opportune time to consider installing a heat pump.

Rishi emphasized that the grant for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, aimed at facilitating the transition to heat pumps, comes with no repayment obligations.

The current voucher scheme offers £5,000 for air source heat pumps and £6,000 for ground source heat pumps. The recent changes will see this grant for upgrading to a heat pump increase by 50% to £7,500.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme, launched in May 2022 to encourage the replacement of gas boilers with electric-powered heat pumps, forms a crucial part of the government’s commitment to achieving “net zero” carbon emissions by 2050. Although this scheme is set to end in 2028, there are no current plans regarding its post-closure prospects. Hence, the present remains an opportune time to consider making home improvements, and assistance is readily available for those interested.

Visit Compare Renewables!

At Compare Renewables, we are experienced professionals who are passionate about renewable energy and the environment. We’re here to help you find the best company for your renewable heat pump installation and ensure that installation goes as smoothly as possible.

We know that many people want to install their own heat pump but don’t know where to start or what they need. With our website, you can quickly compare quotes from local tradespeople specializing in renewable energy systems like heat pumps.

Just enter your post code and tell us about your needs—we’ll do all the rest! If you have any questions about installing one of these systems in your house, please contact us today!


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Things To Know Before Installing An Air Source Heat Pump in Your Home

If you are thinking of Installing an air source heat pump there is a good chance you will have a few questions and things you are unsure about, well look no further, this article should get to the bottom of it all and hopefully by the time you have finished reading you will know if an air source heat pump is right for you! I have gone through the process of finding and installing a heat pump in my home, so this should stand me in a good position to give out the best advice I can. However, not everything is easy to understand, I found several important factors to consider before taking the plunge, particularly revolving around the air source heat pump installation cost and the necessary property adaptations to accommodate a system in your home.

,In my quest for a green heating solution, the government’s previous Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and the current Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) caught my attention. These initiatives do present a considerable financial argument, offsetting upfront costs and supporting the shift towards green energy solutions. Nevertheless, I was aware that the installation of an air source heat pump is not a one size, fits-all solution. Every home will have differing prerequisites, such as varying levels of wall and loft insulation, plus different external spaces for the heat pump to be situated, all having positive and negative effects on the efficiency of a heat pump system.

Finding credible air source heat pump installers near me became a priority, I wanted a local company, so that I could get their opinions and quotations and be nearby post installation, I had an idea of how it would all fit, but their expertise would be invaluable in assessing my property for suitability and explaining the actual installation process. They would also be instrumental in calculating the potential running costs of the system and offsetting the grants against the installation costs of an air source heat pump on my average-sized house.

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Adding to the complexity, I had to consider the lower operating temperatures of these pumps, which turned out to be an unnecessary worry, as this is all built into the MCS calculations that are done before installation. Despite this worry, if sized correctly, I knew an air source heat pump would meet all my domestic heating and hot water needs. It’s not just about the boiler upgrade scheme or the costs involved; it’s about making a responsible, well-informed decision that makes me comfortable with the environmental aspect and long-term financial planning.

Understanding Air Source Heat Pumps and Their Functionality

As an increasingly popular choice for not just for eco-conscious homeowners, but all homeowners, air source heat pumps (ASHPs) are transforming the way we heat our homes. By utilising the ambient air as a renewable heat source, these systems offer a new super efficient alternative to traditional fossil-fuelled heating methods. I have tried to take a deeper look and explain to you how these heat pumps function and what sets them apart in the world of domestic heating solutions.

How Air Source Heat Pumps Work

The core principle behind a heat pump system is its ability to transfer heat from one place to another. Despite common misconceptions, an air source heat pump is capable of extracting heat even when outdoor temperatures are as low as -25 degrees Celsius, which to most people, including myself, seems completely bizarre. This is achieved through a refrigerant fluid that absorbs the heat before a compression cycle releases the heat to be circulated inside a home.

We have a full guide on How Air Source Heat Pumps Work if you would like to know the complete inner workings of a heat pump.

Characteristics of Air to Water Heating Systems

The most popular type of ASHP is the air to water heating system, which is designed to operate with water-based heating elements such as radiators and underfloor heating systems. By harnessing low-grade heat from the outdoor air, then upgrading it to heat water to temperatures averaging at 50 degrees Celsius, they provide a comfortable and sustainable heating solution throughout the home. Different heat pumps will work to a high temperature, they are called, you guessed it ‘high temp heat pumps‘, but higher does not always mean better, as the hotter each system runs, the less efficient it becomes, so 50 degrees is the happy medium, and the standard set by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS). If your house is 100% underfloor heating, then a lower design temperature will be required in comparison to radiators, usually around 35 degrees.

Heat Pumps Will Require Radiator Upgrades

To ensure the correct functioning of what some people call a heat source pump for short, it may be necessary to upgrade existing radiators for new higher output radiators. Due to the lower operating temperatures of ASHPs, in comparison to gas and oil heat systems, traditional radiators may not have a high enough output to achieve the desired room temperatures. Therefore, larger higher output radiators may need to be installed, the design calculations will specify the output required once your home has been surveyed. The principle of larger radiators is based on having a lower flow temperature in the heating system, the lower the flow temperature, the larger the radiator is needed.

One of the most common things I have heard from discussing heat pumps with friends and colleagues, is that people can be reluctant to change their radiators, saying things such as “I don’t like my house too hot”, however the point of radiator upgrades has been completely misunderstood here. The upgraded radiators are not just to get the house warm, but to do it as fast as possible! The faster the heat can get out of the air source heat pump, and into the radiators, which then let the heat out into your rooms, then the cheaper it will be to run the system!

Insulation and Heat Pump Efficiency

When contemplating the switch to a heat pump system, it’s not just the air source heat pump cost that matters, but also the readiness of the property to support low carbon technology effectively. Insulation stands as the silent yet crucial factor that can steer a heat pump’s performance from good to exceptional. I have tried to set out how insulation influences efficiency and what you need to know prior to installation.

Improving Home Insulation for Better Heat Pump Performance

To get straight to the point, loft and wall insulation is the most important measure you can take to make a house suitable for a heat pump, there is no short cut. Sufficient insulation acts much like a thermal envelope, locking in the warmth and ensuring the output of a heat pump isn’t lost through the walls, floors and ceiling. This is especially pertinent for air source heat pumps, where heat pumps run at a lower temperature based on a continual heating process, heat leakage can significantly diminish overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

From an investment point of view, any insulation measures will be a good move when considering installing a heat pump. Draughtproofing around windows and doors can also make a significant difference. A well-insulated home requires less energy to stay warm, allowing an air source heat pump to operate within its ideal parameters, thus financially optimising your return on investment.

Assessing Your Home’s Insulation Before Installation

Before having a heat pump you will need heat loss survey carried out on the property, specialist installers do this, so isn’t something you need to do before inviting companies around to give you a quotation. The audit of insulation levels was done by my installer and it was clear for me to see the workings upon their second visit. I had already recognised the importance of gauging my home’s insulation status prior to looking at an air source heat pump. It’s crucial to identify any potential weak spots where heat could escape, such as through insufficient loft insulation or notorious drafty windows, then getting these issues rectified before a heat pump is fitted.

The main areas of concern in most homes are:

  • Loft and Attic Spaces: 200mm or more loft insulation will bring up to modern day specification.
  • Walls: Cavity wall insulation or solid internal wall insulation (IWI) is a game-changer in older properties like mine.
  • Floors and Basements: These often-overlooked areas are the hardest to rectify, usually because there is little or no access without major disruption.

A heat loss survey helped us figure out the most cost effective insulation upgrades, laying the groundwork for a successful heat pump installation. This experience highlighted the idea that making renewable energy systems efficient isn’t solely reliant on cutting-edge technology; it’s equally about tapping into the basic principles of thermodynamics at home.

The following table illustrates the potential impact of insulation improvements on the efficacy and running costs of my heat pump:

Insulation AreaBefore ImprovementAfter ImprovementPercentage Efficiency Gain
LoftPoor200mm or loft insulationUp to 25%
Cavity wallsNon-existentCavity walls filledUp to 40%
FloorsMinimalSealed and insulatedUp to 20%
Window glazingSingleDouble/triple glazingUp to 25%

It’s clear that for any homeowner in the UK considering the installation of an air source heat pump, overlooking and neglecting property insulation is not the best option. The intimate link between a snugly wrapped home and the consistency of a modern heat pump system is the definition of a match made in heaven.

Assessing the Suitability of Your Property for a Heat Pump System

Following on the the above point, an air source heat pump will almost always get to a good level of heat in your home, as long as it is the right capacity, but the simple equation is as follows:

  • Low insulation levels = Larger heat pump, larger radiators, higher installation and running costs.
  • Good insulation levels = Smaller heat pump, smaller radiators, lower installation and running costs.

Both of the above will get you you to the same end goal, but having a well insulated house, is a no brainer, for both environmental and financial reasons.

Finding a Location For Your Heat Pump to Sit

Before porceeding I needed to identify a suitable exterior space. A heat pump requires ample airflow to efficiently extract heat; hence, I scoured my property for a spot that was not only on solid ground, but also a distance from potential obstructions such as plants and neighbours fencing. Mounting it to an external wall was also an option I considered, I was told by the installers that the wall brackets have in-built rubber mounts to stop vibrations, however I did have ground space at my house to situate the heat pump and I personally think sitting a heat pump on the ground should always be first choice, using a wall only as a last resort. I even checked planning regulations to ensure that the installation would comply with both the town and country planning act, as well as MCS requirements.

The main planning rules for air source heat pumps include some location based requirements, as well as other regulations around the heat pump size and noise necessities, which are already manufacturer built into the design and engineering of the air source heat pump.

  • The volume of the air source heat pump’s outdoor compressor unit (including housing) must not exceed 0.6 cubic metres.
  • Only the first installation of an air source heat pump would be permitted development, and only if there is no existing wind turbine on a building or within the curtilage of that property. Additional wind turbines or air source heat pumps at the same property requires an application for planning permission.
  • All parts of the air source heat pump must be at least one metre from the property boundary.
  • Installations on pitched roofs are not permitted development. If installed on a flat roof all parts of the air source heat pump must be at least one metre from the external edge of that roof.
  • Permitted development rights do not apply for installations within the curtilage of a Listed Building or within a site designated as a Scheduled Monument.
  • On land within a Conservation Area or World Heritage Site the air source heat pump must not be installed on a wall or roof which fronts a highway or be nearer to any highway which bounds the property than any part of the building.
  • On land that is not within a Conservation Area or World Heritage Site, the air source heat pump must not be installed on any part of a wall above the level of the ground floor storey if that wall fronts a highway.

(Source: Planning Portal, 2024)

Where Will The Hot Water Cylinder Go?

Next, I needed to consider the placement of the hot water cylinder required for storing domestic hot water, the air source heat pump is heating the hot water cylinder, so the location was important for pipe run planning. I intended to have it within close proximity to the pump to mitigate heat loss in transfer, the airing cupboard seemed an ideal space, and with my property’s layout, I did have a space in the corner of my utility room that could house the cylinder, which is actually closer to the heat pump than the airing cupboard, however it would be intruding upon the storage space downstairs, so I decided that a slightly higher heat loss, due to increased distance between the units, does seem like trade-off I am willing to accept for the extra space I have saved downstairs.

Installing an Air Source Heat Pump: Size and Model Considerations

When upgrading your home with a heat pump, picking the correct size and model of air source heat pump is essential for both correct functioning and optimal efficiency. This process requires balancing the unique aspects of your property and total peak heat demand, against the offerings in the UK market. In my experience taking on board professional advice from air source heat pump installers near me and my house, there are two main areas to make a choice in that are most important, they are, heat pump size (power), then the manufacturer brand.

Determining the Correct Heat Pump Size for Your Home

On this occasion, size truly matters! A unit too small will be overworked and will become less efficient, usually lasting much less than the suggested life expectancy, while an oversized pump again will consume too much power and cost too much to run, think of it as taking a monster truck to your local supermarket once a week, its just not necessary. Therefore the heat loss calculation, once the survey is done, will give you a good idea of the heat requirements of your home, you can then make an information based decision, specific to you, on choosing the perfect size heat pump.

Comparing Models: The Mitsubishi Ecodan Example

The Mitsubishi Ecodan range stands out as a fitting example of how different models cater to varied heating needs. As I’ve researched the vast number of heat pumps out there, comparing features and performance against the upfront heat pump installation cost is crucial in making an informed decision. The Ecodan models are renowned for their reliability and eco-friendliness, as well as their ability to mesh with existing heating systems. The main advantage of Mitsubishi is its incredible performance of 1kw input, to 4kw of heat output, with the water flow temperature at 50 degrees, however for me the Mitsubishi Ecodan is in a league of its own because this performance doesn’t deteriorate until the outside temperature is below minus -7 degrees, there is no other heat pump out there that comes close to that level of performance in cold conditions, a must have for me living in the north of England!

 I always suggest reaching out to air source heat pump installers for tailor-made quotations that reflect your particular circumstances, which you can do with Compare Renewables! Just fill in your details  to receive more information and prices from local installers.

Financial Incentives: Renewable Heat Incentive and Boiler Upgrade Scheme

As the UK general public are slowly opening up to the utilisation of renewable technologies for home heating, most are not aware of the financial commitments involved. However, the availability of incentives like the now concluded Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and the current Boiler Upgrade Scheme have made a significant difference, by easing the impact of the initial heat pump cost on homeowners in the UK.

How the Boiler Upgrade Scheme Benefits Homeowners

Let me explain how the current Boiler Upgrade Scheme benefits homeowners across the country. This incentive is designed as a succour to those embracing greener living through the adoption of air source heat pumps. Unlike the RHI, which gave back investment over several years, this newer initiative provides an upfront grant—substantially reducing the initial financial outlay. Below is a table to organise how these schemes compare and their implications for a typical homeowner.

AspectRenewable Heat Incentive (now closed)Boiler Upgrade Scheme (until 31 March 2025)
Type of BenefitQuarterly paymentsOne-off grant
Duration7 yearsAt installation, deducted from invoice
ObjectiveIncentivise sustained renewable heat productionLower upfront cost for fast adoption
Benefit to HomeownerLong-term financial return based on heat outputImmediate reduction in installation cost

While the RHI has promoted the generation of renewable heat and subsequently recompensed the homeowner, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme’s instant financial support is a motivator for interested homeowners who are wary of steep upfront expenditures, especially in times of high interest rates for borrowing. The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is a huge step towards a big change of what is seen at ‘normal’  in the UK, and is further sweetened by the long-term savings achieved through reduced energy bills.

Integrating Air Source Heating with Existing Systems

When considering an upgrade to a heat pump system, many homeowners are keen to understand the integration process with their existing heating infrastructure. It’s no secret that the air source heat pump will need a significant amount of work to install, so ensuring that the integration to what is currently there is important. Below, I have outlined the key factors to bear in mind when combining an air source heating system with your current setup.

One of the main issues people have concern about is pipework, well I have good news, 99% of homes in the UK that have a heat pump retrofitted, do not need replacement pipework, there are only a few homes which have a single pipe system, which isn’t compatible, and a few more where the existing plumbing work is ancient and needs upgrading. While air source heat pumps operate most effectively with low-temperature heating solutions, such as underfloor heating, the reality is that many houses are fitted with more traditional radiator systems, which is perfectly fine, but will require some radiators upgrades for optimal efficiency. Below is a table of what can be kept from exiting systems, plus what needs to be replaced.

Heating System ComponentCompatibility with Air Source Heat PumpPotential Modification RequiredEstimated Modification Cost
Traditional RadiatorsMediumsome replacement radiators with larger, higher output radiatorsVaries per household
Underfloor HeatingHighNoneN/A – if system already in place
Hot Water CylinderNot CompatibleCylinder replacement with installation of heat pump for compatibilityFrom £1000 to £2500 included in the total cost
Storage HeatersNot CompatibleFull wet system to be installedChanged to a traditional wet radiators, as above

Calculating the Heat Pump Installation Cost and Potential Savings

Everyone has their own reasons for choosing for or against a heat pump, but scrutinising the heat pump installation cost against the potential savings is usually the area which influences a decision more than any other. An air source heat pump cost may appear steep; however, the long-term financial picture, when you include government grants, and savings over time are a good reason to invest now.

Breaking Down the Air Source Heat Pump Cost

The initial outlay for an air source heat pump (ASHP) typically ranges between £12,000 and £17,000, fully installed. The price is dictated by the complexity of installation, the size of the unit needed for your home, number of replacement radiators, and the chosen brand of your heat pump. However, there is financial incentive on offer from the government, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) was launched on the 1st April 2022 and is a 3 year scheme, ending in 2025. When the Boiler Upgrade Scheme was launched, the offer was a £5000 voucher which can be redeemed against the installation costs. Due to the low uptake of the vouchers, the voucher was increased in October 2023 by a further £2500, to a total of £7500.

Here’s what a typical cost breakdown might include:

  • The heat pump unit itself
  • A heat pump compatible hot water cylinder
  • Replacement radiators
  • Technical survey
  • Smart controllers, filters & isolators

Long-Term Financial Benefits and ROI

While the initial expense merits consideration, add in the £7500 boiler upgrade scheme voucher and the long-term savings do tip the scales in our favour. Efficiently engineered ASHPs such as the Mitsubishi’s & Vaillant’s, can run at significantly lower costs when compared with traditional heating systems such as gas boilers. On average, users might see a saving of up to 50% on running costs, thus a lower overall total heat pump cost in the long run, when compared to gas and oil boilers.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme is a great offer to help keep costs down, when adding in longer term performance savings the outcome results in a convincing return on investment (ROI). But the scheme won’t be around forever, so with the change to low carbon heating coming fast and strong, I would urge you to take the offer as soon as possible, if you can.

You can get a quote from local suppliers, sent to you directly from Compare Renewables. Just press the button below and fill in your contact details!

Year-Round Performance: Can Heat Pumps Cope in Winter?

As we tread through the ever-changing climes of our British weather, one question lingers among those pondering a leap into renewable heating: can air to water heat pumps indeed provide comfort during the icy chills of winter? I’ve delved into the depths of this topic, exploring how these innovative systems fair when the winter hits hard.

Understanding the Performance of Air to Water Heat Pumps in Cold Weather

In the heart of winter, when British weather really gets it reputation, the robustness of air source heating is put to the test. But fear not, air to water heat pumps are engineered to meet these challenges head-on. They draw thermal energy from the air – yes, even when it feels baltic outside – and concentrate it to warm our homes as good as it does in the other three seasons.

Remarkably, the best heat pumps achieve this with a steadfast efficiency down to -25 degrees Celsius. Though you correctly may envisage a dip in their efficiency as temperatures plummet, air source heating systems are designed with a tactical approach, but not all models are great in cold conditions, this is where the men separate themselves from the boys, as they would say. Please don’t try to buy a heat pump off amazon, because you will be cold! Mitsubishis are the best heat pumps you can buy for cold weather so even though there might be a premium with a better heat pump, I promise it will be money well spent, as you will be warm, and your running costs will be lower than with any other heat pump.

The ingenuity of these systems lies not only in their capacity to combat the cold but also in their versatility. They integrate harmoniously with most standard heating solutions, from conventional radiator systems to modern wet underfloor heating systems, distributing warmth evenly and effectively throughout every corner of our homes.

Installation Process: What To Expect From Air Source Heat Pump Installers Near You

Once that you have made the decision to  transition to a heat pump system, it’s crucial to understand the complete scope of the installation process. As someone who has spent a long period of time looking for reputable air source heat pump installers, let me impart some practical insights into what you can typically expect during the setup of your new system. Firstly, be prepared for the process to take up to 3 days for an average-sized home. During this period, my home’s heating and hot water supply may be interrupted for 1 to 2 days. This might seem inconvenient, but with the long-term benefits of upgrading to air to water heat pump, a little patience goes a long way.

Having an installation undertaken by MCS-certified professionals will ensure that the process is streamlined and meets all the necessary compliance standards, you will also need an MCS accredited installer to get access to the boiler upgrade scheme. Good two way communication and thorough planning before the work begins are essential. Below is a table outlining the key phases you can expect during the installation of an air source heat pump:

1Removal of existing heating systemOnsite preparation, and removal of current heating system
1-2External workInstallation of the outdoor unit which needs a solid base, or wall fixings for wall-mounted units.
2Internal workHanging new radiators, plumbing the new cylinder in.
5Electrical work & CommissioningWiring of the new controls and heat pump. Complete system testing, final checks, and handover to homeowner with guidance on use.

I personally believe that embracing a greener heating solution like an air to water heat pump system is a positive step towards energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, which personally feels good! Finding reputable air source heat pump installers is just the beginning of a journey and it is import you check out their Trustpilot Reviews before making a decision, as unfortunately there are some cowboys out there. With the right preparation and understanding of the installation process, I’m confident that my investment will pay off both financially and environmentally in the years to come.

Combining An Air Source Heat Pump With Solar PV Panels

Now here’s for the magic part, air source heating is a fantastic upgrade, but a heat pump still needs electrical power to run, so what if you could get free running of your system from solar power! Combining an air source heat pump (ASHP) with solar PV panels is a genius idea. It’s not just about being eco-friendly — it’s a cost-effective solution that significantly reduces my dependence on the traditional power grid, which means I don’t have to buy much, if any, electricity at all.

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 Solar PV panels are a whole topic for another time, but the principle is, a good size solar PV system could financially run a heat pump, as well as your other electrical appliances throughout the year. Now I know what you’re thinking, we don’t get much sun in the winter, and that is when we need the heating the most. Smart meters have enabled the emergence of ‘smart electricity tariffs’, which when coupled up with storage batteries gives a game changing solution.

Using Storage Batteries to Power Your Heat Pump In the Evening

The first priority of a solar storage battery is to store excess solar electricity in the battery for use at a later time, that’s the simple bit. Now over the last couple of years, energy companies such as Octopus, have brought tariffs to market based on different kinds of usage, such as consumers with heat pumps, electric cars & solar PV. One innovative part of all the tariffs, is that you can buy electricity through the night, usually around 00:30 to 5am with heavily reduced rates, sometimes up to 75% less than the average cost. In the winter when your solar panels can’t generate enough power too heat your home for a full day, you can use the reduced rate electricity in the night to fill your solar batteries up, which means that in the day time you are using electricity from your storage battery, charged up the night before costing you a quarter of it what it would have cost you to buy electricity throughout the day time. This means that the heat pump installation cost pays off more than twice as fast as before, as it continues to function using the free solar power or heavily reduced price electricity from the grid purchased the previous night.

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The possibilities are not just exciting; they’re tangible. With the right home setup, your heat pump can be more than a heating solution; it can be part of a comprehensive home energy ecosystem. The upfront heat pump installation cost is mitigated over time, thanks to the lower operating expenses and the overnight charging savings, while solar panels can potentially provide all the power your heat pump needs for 6-8 months a year, and maybe more.

The Longevity and Maintenance of Air Source Heat Pumps

When it comes to ensuring the longevity of air source heating systems, I must stress the importance of regular servicing. By choosing an experienced air source heat pump installer, you can also use the same company for  annual inspections, which not only keeps your system in good working order and extending the heat pumps life span, it is in the t&c’s of most heat pump warranty documents to have an annual service to keep your warranty in tact.

Expected Lifespan of Air Heat Pumps

The expected lifespan for a correctly maintained air source heat pump is between 15 and 25 years—an impressive term for such a significant component of your home’s heating system. That said, longevity hinges on the consistency of regular checks and the expertise of the technicians carrying out maintenance.

Regular Maintenance for Optimal Efficiency

Here in the United Kingdom, the varying weather patterns and consistent use mean our heat pumps are working hard all year round. To maintain peak performance, I find it best to set up a schedule for heat pump maintenance with a trusted technician. This entails a full system inspection, removing leafs and debris from the exterior,  cleaning or replacing filters, checking refrigerant levels and ensuring electronic components are functioning as they should.


In summary, it’s clear that air source heat pumps offer a formidable and affordable over the long term solution for sustainable home heating. From understanding the functionalities of heat pumps and their integration with existing home pipework, to exploring financial incentives and the importance of proper insulation, we’ve covered off all of the essentials of what is included in the switch over to an air source heat pump.

Let Compare Renewables Do The Hard Work

This article is aimed to give clarity and a first person view on how air source heat pumps and the process works, which is what this platform Compare Renewables aims to do. This service is completely free and here to connect homeowners with local MCS certified installers, who have been checked out and verified by compare renewables, so you don’t have to!

Find a Local Heat Pump Installer With Compare Renewables

Locating proficient air source heat pump installers near me was a challenge, but with Compare Renewables you simply enter you contact details, and then you will receive up to three prices from companies operating in your area. For any homeowner in the United Kingdom looking to make the change and wanting to know if it will work on your home, click the button below and fill in the form, then that is step 1 of your heat pump journey complete.

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The Mitsubishi Ecodan Air Source Heat Pump

You can download the specification sheets with all the technical information here.

The Mitsubishi Ecodan is an air source heat pump that provides heating and hot water for homes and buildings. It works by extracting heat from the outside air and using it to heat the interior. The heat pump system is highly efficient and can provide over four times the energy it consumes, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional heating systems. The Ecodan can also be integrated with a solar photovoltaic system to further reduce energy consumption and costs. The system is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance, making it a convenient and cost-effective solution for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Air source heat pumps like the Mitsubishi Ecodan can work effectively in English weather. However, the performance of the heat pump may be affected by extremely low temperatures. In general, air source heat pumps are most efficient when the outdoor temperature is above freezing, and their efficiency decreases as the temperature drops, although the Ecodan is an exception to rule, as it maintains its efficiency level right down to -7 degrees. To maintain good performance in cold weather, it’s important to properly size the system and properly insulate the building. Some heat pumps may also have supplementary heating elements to provide additional warmth when needed. It’s always best to consult your local heating and cooling professional to determine if an air source heat pump is a good fit for your specific climate and heating needs.

The Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump comes in a range of sizes to meet the heating and hot water needs of different buildings and homes. The size of the heat pump is determined by its heating capacity, which is measured in kilowatts (kW). The specific sizes offered by Mitsubishi may vary, but common options include:

  • 5kW
  • 6kW
  • 8.5kW
  • 11.2kW
  • 14kW

The right size for your home will depend on factors such as the size of your home, insulation levels, number of occupants, and your heating and hot water needs. A technical survey is normally required before installation to help you determine the appropriate size heat pump for your specific requirements.

The Coefficient of Performance (COP) of a Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump is a measure of its energy efficiency. It represents the ratio of energy output (heat) to energy input (electrical power). A higher COP means that the heat pump is producing more heat per unit of electrical energy consumed.

What Is The COP of a Mitsubishi Ecodan?

The actual COP of a Mitsubishi Ecodan heat pump will depend on several factors, including outdoor temperature, insulation levels, and system configuration. According to Mitsubishi, the COP of the Ecodan heat pump can range from 3.5 to 4.5 in average conditions. This means that for every 1 kilowatt (kW) of electrical energy consumed, the heat pump can produce 3.5 to 4.5 kW of heat.

It’s important to note that the COP of an air source heat pump will vary depending on the specific conditions and use, so the actual COP of a specific system may be different from the average. A heating and cooling professional can provide more accurate and specific information on the COP of a particular heat pump based on the specific installation and operating conditions.

Do You Get A Warranty With The Mitsubishi Ecodan Heat Pump?

The Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump typically comes with a warranty. The exact terms of the warranty, including its duration and coverage, will depend on the specific model and the purchasing agreement.

It is common for air source heat pumps to come with a manufacturer’s warranty that covers the system components and workmanship for a set period of time, typically between 5 and 7 years. Some manufacturers may also offer extended warranties that provide coverage for a longer period.

It’s important to review the warranty terms carefully and to understand what is and is not covered, as well as any conditions or limitations that apply. If you have any questions or concerns, it is best to consult the manufacturer or your heating and cooling professional.

Will I Need A New Water Cylinder And New Radiators WIth A Heat Pump?

Whether or not you will need a new water cylinder and radiators with a Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump depends on several factors, including your existing heating system and the requirements of the heat pump.

In some cases, you may be able to use your existing water cylinder and radiators with the heat pump. However, if your existing heating system is not compatible with the heat pump, you may need to upgrade to a more appropriate system. This will depend on the specific requirements of the heat pump and the compatibility of your existing system.

The local installer that you choose who is experienced with air source heat pumps will be able to determine if you will need new water cylinder and radiators and what is required for a successful installation. They can assess your specific heating needs and requirements, and make recommendations for any upgrades or changes that may be necessary.

How Much Does A Mitsubishi Ecodan Cost To Install?

The cost of a Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump will depend on several factors, including the size of the system, the specific model, and the installation and operating costs.

As a rough estimate, the cost of a Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump can range from around £10,000 to £15,000 or more, depending on the size of the system and the specific requirements of the installation, the lower end would be a small heat pump and no radiators, to the larger side being a bigger heat pump with all new radiators. The cost of installation will also vary, depending on the complexity of the installation, the materials and labour required, and the location of the installation.

It’s important to keep in mind that while the upfront cost of an air source heat pump may be higher than other heating systems, it can be offset by the energy savings and reduced operating costs over time. An experienced heating and cooling professional can provide a more accurate estimate of the cost of a Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump, including the cost of installation, based on your specific heating needs and requirements.

Are There Any Grants Towards The Cost Of A Heat Pump?

Air source heat pumps, including the Mitsubishi Ecodan, can be eligible for the UK government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS), which replaced the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) program from April 2022.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme provides funding to support home energy efficiency improvements, including the installation of low-carbon heating systems such as air source heat pumps. To be eligible for the grant, the heating system must meet certain requirements, such as a minimum efficiency rating noise and emissions standards, which is a test that Mitsubishi’s Ecodan Heat Pump passes with flying colours.

You see our article here announcing the ‘Boiler Upgrade Scheme‘ grant increasing from £5000 to £7500. – £7500 Air Source Heat Pump Voucher Update

Does The Mitsubishi Ecodan Have A Mobile App?

The Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump can work with the Melcloud mobile app. Melcloud is a cloud-based platform developed by Mitsubishi Electric that allows you to control and monitor your heating and cooling system remotely using a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

The Melcloud app provides real-time access to your heating and cooling system, so you can adjust the temperature and settings from anywhere, at any time. You can also set schedules, view energy usage data, and receive alerts and notifications if there is a problem with your system.

To use the Melcloud app with your Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump, you will need to have a compatible control system installed and set up, then you will need to create an account on the Melcloud platform. Once your account is set up, you can connect your heating and cooling system to the app and start using it to manage your system remotely.

You also must have home wifi system with a signal that reaches to the control box.

Do I Need An Installer That is A Business Solutions Partner of Mitsubishi?

A Business Solutions Partner (BSP) with Mitsubishi is a company or organization that has been authorized by Mitsubishi Electric to offer their products and services to customers in a specific region or market.

BSPs are typically experienced and knowledgeable in the products and services offered by Mitsubishi Electric, and they work closely with the manufacturer to provide customers with high-quality products, support, and services. BSPs also have access to training and resources from Mitsubishi Electric to help them stay up-to-date on the latest products and technologies, and to ensure that they are able to provide the best possible solutions and support to their customers.

Working with a BSP can provide customers with several benefits, including access to a wider range of products and services, experienced and knowledgeable support, and a direct connection to the manufacturer. It can also provide customers with peace of mind, knowing that they are working with an authorized and experienced company that is backed by Mitsubishi Electric.

If you are interested in working with a Business Solutions Partner with Mitsubishi, you can visit the Mitsubishi Electric website or contact the manufacturer directly to find a BSP in your area.

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Understanding Your Energy Bill: Energy Bills Explained

Energy bills can be confusing because they often include many charges, such as energy usage, taxes, fees, and delivery charges, making it difficult to understand the total cost. Energy suppliers also use different unit rates and billing methods, adding to the complexity. Additionally, promotional rates and discounts can also make it difficult to compare bills and determine the most cost-effective option.

So here we are to break it down for you, so that you understand what you are looking at

What Is a KWH of Gas?

In the UK, gas is measured in cubic meters (m3), however on your bill provided your supplier, you are measured and charged in kWh, although this measurement is to make sure gas and electricity is measured in the same format attempting to simplify the way we read bills, it often adds to the confusion.

The calculation to work out m3 of gas to kWh is;

  1. You need to subtract your current reading with your last meter reading.
  2. Multiply that number by the calorific value. All this information will be on your bill
  3. Multiply that figure by 1.02264. This is the correction figure which accounts for changes in the temperature and pressure of the gas.
  4. Divide this figure by 3.6 and you’ll have your gas usage in kWh.

A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power used for one hour. It is commonly used to measure the energy consumption of households and businesses. The energy usage of appliances, electronic devices and lightings are often measured in watts (W) and their usage time in hours (h) , thus we can calculate the energy consumption in KWH. For example, if an appliance uses 1,000 watts (1 kW) and is operated for one hour, it has consumed 1 kWh of energy.

How Many kWh of Electric Does a House Use In a Day?

The average household in the UK uses around 10 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day. However, this can vary depending on factors such as the size of the house, the number of people living in the house, and the appliances and devices being used.

For example, a smaller home with fewer occupants and energy-efficient appliances may use less than 10 kWh per day, while a larger home with more occupants and older, less energy-efficient appliances may use more. Additionally, the time of the year, weather and the habits of the occupants (like leaving lights and appliances on when not in use) can also have an effect on the daily energy consumption. Homes that run an electric vehicle, electric underfloor heating, or a hot tub will usually use more than the average house.

You will be able to find your monthly or annual consumption on the bill that your supplier provides to be sure.

How Many kWh of Gas Does a House Need In The UK?

The amount of kWh of heat a house needs in the UK can vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of the house, the level of insulation, the number of occupants, and the climate. On average, a UK household uses around 20,000 kWh of energy per year for heating and hot water or 55kwh per day. However, this can range from around 8,000 kWh for a small, well-insulated house with a single occupant, to over 30,000 kWh for a large, poorly insulated house with multiple occupants.

What Is The Efficiency of a Gas Boiler Per kWh?

The efficiency of a gas boiler is typically measured by its annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating. AFUE is a measure of how much of the energy in the gas that is used to heat a home, rather than being lost through the flue or elsewhere.

The efficiency of a gas boiler is typically between 80-90% AFUE. This means that for every 100 units of energy used by the boiler, between 80 and 90 units are used to heat the home and the rest is lost.

It’s important to note that this is a standard efficiency measurement and it’s possible to find some boilers with higher efficiency, usually over 90% AFUE.

Also, you can compare this efficiency with the KWH used by the house, to estimate the amount of gas used to heat the house.

What Is The Efficiency of An Air Source Heat Pump Per kWh?

The efficiency of an air source heat pump (ASHP) is typically measured by its coefficient of performance (COP). COP is a ratio of the amount of heat energy delivered to the home to the amount of electrical energy consumed by the heat pump.

The COP of an ASHP can vary depending on factors such as the temperature of the air and the temperature required for heating the home, but typically ranges from 2.5 to 4.8. This means that for every 1 unit of electrical energy consumed by the heat pump, 2.5 to 4.8 units of heat energy are delivered to the home.

It is important to note that the COP of an air source heat pump is affected by the temperature of the air it is extracting heat from, the lower the temperature the lower the COP. Also, the COP of an air source heat pump is typically higher when it is used for space heating than when it is used for hot water heating.

It’s also possible to find some ASHP with higher efficiency, usually over 5.0 COP.

As a reference, it’s worth noting that in general, ASHP are 3x to 6x more efficient than traditional heating systems such as gas boilers, which typically have an efficiency of around 80-90%.

What Is The Price Of Gas And Electric In The UK 2023?

The prices of gas and electricity in the UK can vary depending on a number of factors, including the supplier and the specific tariff. However, as of 2023, the energy price is capped in the UK at 10.7p per kWh for gas, and the electricity at 35p per KWH.

It’s important to note that these are average prices and prices can vary significantly depending on the supplier and the specific tariff. Some suppliers may offer fixed rate tariffs, while others may offer variable rate tariffs that can change depending on market conditions.

Also, it’s worth noting that the prices of gas and electricity are subject to change over time, due to factors such as changes in government policy, changes in wholesale energy prices, and changes in taxes and levies.

Do Air Source Heat Pumps And Solar Panels Work Well Together & Save Money?

Air source heat pumps (ASHP) and solar panels can work well together as part of a combined heating and hot water system.

Solar electricity can be used to power the ASHP and run it more efficiently. By using the solar panels to power the ASHP, less electricity needs to be drawn from the grid, reducing the overall running costs of the heating system.

Additionally, when solar panels are producing more electricity than the house is using, the excess can be fed back to the grid, and the household can be credited for it. This can help offset the cost of running the ASHP, making the overall system more cost-effective.

It’s important to note that the combination of solar panels and ASHP work best in properties where there is a high demand for hot water and heating, and where there is adequate sunlight to generate the electricity needed. Also, a properly sized ASHP and solar panels system will provide better performance and energy savings.

It’s worth consulting with a professional to assess the suitability of this type of system for your property and to calculate the right size of the ASHP and solar panels to maximize the energy efficiency and cost savings.

What Is The Energy Price Cap?

The UK energy price cap is a regulatory measure implemented by the UK government to limit the amount that energy suppliers can charge customers for their energy. The price cap applies to standard variable tariffs (SVT) and default tariffs, which are typically the tariffs that customers are placed on if they do not switch to a different tariff.

The price cap is set by the regulator, Ofgem, and is based on the level of wholesale energy prices and the costs that energy suppliers incur when supplying energy. The cap is reviewed and updated every six months to reflect changes in wholesale prices and supplier costs.

The goal of the price cap is to protect consumers from being charged excessive prices for their energy and to encourage them to shop around and switch to a cheaper tariff. Since the cap was introduced in January 2019, it has been adjusted several times depending on the changes in the wholesale price and supplier’s costs.

Why Are The Energy Prices So High In The UK & Will They Come Back Down?

Energy prices in the UK are influenced by a number of factors, including the cost of wholesale energy, the cost of transportation and distribution, government taxes and levies, and the costs of maintaining and upgrading the energy infrastructure.

The cost of wholesale energy, which is the price that energy suppliers pay to purchase energy from generators, is subject to fluctuations based on global market conditions, such as supply and demand, weather conditions and geopolitical events.

The cost of transportation and distribution, which is the cost of getting the energy from the power stations to homes and businesses, can also be significant. These costs include maintaining and upgrading the energy infrastructure, such as power lines, pipelines and substations, which can be costly.

Government taxes and levies, such as the Climate Change Levy (CCL), the Renewables Obligation and the Feed-in Tariffs, also contribute to the overall cost of energy. These taxes and levies are designed to support the development of renewable energy sources and to reduce carbon emissions.

The costs of these factors can vary over time, and therefore energy prices may fluctuate. Additionally, energy prices can also be influenced by competition among suppliers, as well as by government regulations and policies.

It’s worth noting that energy prices in the UK have been increasing over the past years, and it’s likely to continue to increase in the future as the costs of renewable energy sources and the costs of maintaining and upgrading the energy infrastructure continue to rise.

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How To Find A Reputable Air Source Heat Pump & Solar PV Installer

Whether you’re replacing your old central heating system, or just looking to supplement your existing one, a heat pump and solar PV installation will be an investment in both comfort and energy efficiency.

It can be a daunting process if you’ve never had one installed before. There are plenty of companies out there who will be only too happy to take your money. However, many won’t deliver what they promise or, worse still, use substandard products that could be unreliable and unefficient.

So how do you find a reputable installer? Here are our top tips:

What To Look For When Searching For The Best Heat Pump Installer

When searching for an air source heat pump and solar PV installer, an accredited company is the first thing to look for. Accreditation means that the company has met specific standards an independent body sets. This can be either voluntary or compulsory, depending on where you live in the UK.

We suggest that you only purchase from these directories:

You should also consider whether or not they have a good reputation. Their workmanship must be up to scratch because this will affect the quality of your product and its performance over time. You’ll want to find out if any customers have had issues with them before making an appointment with them yourself to discuss your requirements further.

Finally, looking into what warranties come with your purchase is worthwhile, so there aren’t any nasty surprises later down the line!

Just on a side note, heat pump installers as a requirement must be MCS Certified if the customer wishes to claim the £5000 Boiler Upgrade Scheme voucher.

What Does A Solar PV Installer Need?

Now that you’ve found a reputable air source heat pump installer, it’s time to start looking for a solar PV installer. There are many types of solar systems, so it is important that the installer must know what they are talking about and can implement the right size and specification for your home or business.

To begin, check that they have good references and accreditation before hiring them. In addition, their previous customers should be able to tell you whether or not they were happy with the installation and if there were any issues with their system.

Most of the time the warranties that you will get are with the manufacturer, so there isn’t usually any issues here, but you want to make sure the company you use is a HIES member, as HIES members get a 2 year workmanship warranty, which should rule out the majority of potential issues due to them occurring or being noticeable in that time frame.

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The Quality Of Your Solar Panels And Inverter Matters

As with any other critical piece of your system, you’ll want to ensure that the solar panels and inverter are high quality. Again, a reputable installer will help you determine whether or not a particular brand or model is suitable for your home, and this information can worked by using a combination of your bills, the times you and your family are at home and a bit of good old common sense!

When considering which solar panels to buy, just make sure you get good warranties and smart capabilities, but if you are buying 400w panels, they are all 400w panels, so providing they have a good warranty, you are usually good to go.

The best warranties come with at least 20 years of coverage on the panels and offer transferability options if you decide to sell your house or move away from its installation, inverters usually have 7 year and up, batteries are almost all 10 years.

Finally, be sure that the company offers some guarantee of reliability, or is a member of HIES —you don’t want something failing because it wasn’t built well enough!

How Long Should I Expect A Solar or Heat Pump Installation To Take?

The length of time for installation depends on the size of the project. Larger installations of heat pumps can take a week, with some taking as long as two weeks, however in most cases 2-3 days is enough. Solar installations on roofs with good access can be done in a day, however larger systems, or roofs that are stone or or slate may take longer.

Suppose you don’t have any skills or experience in working with power tools and electrical appliances. In that case, hiring an expert with that knowledge and experience is best. This way, you can rest assured that everything will be installed safely and correctly.

How Much Will It Cost To Get A Solar PV And Heat Pump Installation?

When you’re thinking about going solar, it’s easy to focus on the financial benefits of a solar PV system. However, several costs are also associated with installing a solar PV and heat pumps in your home.

When dealing with a reputable installer that you trust, these costs can be broken down into two main types: fixed costs and ongoing costs.

The fixed cost is the initial investment that you make when purchasing your system (and any additional equipment necessary), while the ongoing cost is what it would take to run the equipment over time. Financing the initial cost of a system is often a hot topic, however although there may be interest chargable on the repayments it usually is still worth doing, as the savings that you will make often cover the interest and much more, so bare that in mind!

How Compare Renewables Can Help YOU!

Heat pumps and solar panels are two of the UK’s most popular home energy upgrades. They both help you reduce your power bills and positively impact the environment.

However, there are many different types of heat pumps and solar panel systems. Each one will have its own advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the right product for your home is important. If you don’t, you could end up with an expensive system that doesn’t work as well as it should.

That’s where Compare Renewables— Heat Pump & Solar Panel comes in. Our website helps YOU find reputable heat pump and solar panel installers by comparing them all against each other on price, quality, and customer satisfaction ratings.

With so many products on the market today, it can be difficult to know which one is best for your needs. That’s why we do all the hard work for you – finding the most reliable companies in the UK and comparing their products side-by-side so you can make an informed decision about which one is best for your home

With our knowledge and experience, we help you connect with fully accredited & trusted installers in your area by decrypting the process of researching green energy products and installers. 

Let us help YOU get the most qualified heat pump and solar panel installer for your home!

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Why You Should Buy a Heat Pump Instead of a Gas Boiler?

It’s a question I get asked a lot. Should I buy a heat pump or a gas boiler? There are benefits and trade-offs to heat pumps and gas boilers, but which is right for your home? 

Well, a heat pump is a smart investment for your home. It heats your home and provides hot water, making it an energy-efficient option that can save you money. In fact, there are many benefits to having a heat pump over installing a gas boiler, and today we will be discussing exactly what those benefits are!

Heat Pumps Are More Efficient

Heat pumps have become more efficient over time, so they are now able to heat your home as well as provide hot water. There are two types of wet heat pump systems: air source and ground source.

Air source heat pumps are the most common type of system in use today. They use a compressor to circulate refrigerant through an evaporator coil inside the house, which transfers its warmth into the existing wet water system and heats your home by heating radiators or underfloor heating. 

This is how it provides hot water as well – since it has already spent some energy heating up your house and pipework, it can now use that same warmth to heat water for bathing or washing dishes.

Ground source will require large amounts of upheaval, so unless you have extraordinary sized bills from a mansion sized house as well as a decent amount of land that you can drill or dig up, this isn’t usually the best option.

Heat Pumps Are More Cost Effective Than Gas Boilers

This is a simple reason to get a heat pump over a gas boiler. Heat pumps are more cost-effective than gas boilers. A heat pump is a powerful and efficient way to heat your home, as it can provide both heating and hot water. 

In comparison to a similar-sized gas boiler, the heat pump would use around one quarter of the energy per year to provide the same amount of heating as your current system. This means that over time you could save hundreds or even thousands on energy bills if you choose to install a new heat pump instead of upgrading your existing system.

Heat Pump Efficiency Is Based on The Quality Of The Installation

The efficiency of your heat pump will depend on several factors, including:

    • Location. Will you be installing it in an area with harsh winter weather? If so, you’ll want to ensure your home has adequate insulation to prevent heat from escaping through walls, windows, and roofs.

    • Quality of installation. If an installer doesn’t know what they’re doing or skips steps during installation (like sealing up holes in ductwork), it could impact how well your heat pump works overtime and reduce its effectiveness to reduce your bills.

    • Weather conditions at the time of installation and later down the line may also play into how efficiently it functions— however so long as you choose a good brand of heat pump which has a good energy rating you can minimize any extra running costs, as the energy ratings take into consideration the highs and lows of the annual temperature and some will work just as efficiently at minus 7 degrees, as they do at plus 7.

You Are Less Likely to Need Repairs as Often With A Heat Pump

Heat pumps are more reliable than gas boilers. Heat pumps are much less likely to need repairs and last longer than a traditional furnace or boiler. 

They also require less maintenance and have fewer parts that can fail over time, so there’s a lower risk of an expensive repair bill.

When it comes to maintenance, there are several options available. You can set up a regular maintenance plan with your technician, ensuring that the system is working efficiently and preventing any major problems from occurring. A skilled technician can also help you identify potential problems before they become more serious and expensive to fix.

If you would prefer to do some of the work yourself, some simple tasks can be done without calling in an expert—for example, checking for lint build-up in the lines or replacing filters regularly. If you prefer not to deal with this kind of work yourself, hiring a professional is still an option!

Finally: if you don’t want any hassle whatsoever (and who does?), there are plenty of companies offering maintenance plans specifically tailored for heat pumps.

Heat Pumps Can Save You Space In Your Home

Heat pumps work differently to  gas boilers, they need fresh outside air which means that they can be installed outside, and even mounted on the wall. This creates two benefits:

You can save space in the room where you want to install the heating system. This can be useful if your home is small or has limited space available for appliances like boilers. 

You will need a hot water cylinder in your home for the heat pump, however in most cases this can be put in the loft, to save you space inside the house.

A Heat Pump Has Many Benefits That Are Worth Looking into 

I hope this article has helped you to understand why heat pumps are such a great option for your home. They can save you money and energy but also provide hot water and work effectively as a heating source for your home. 

So, now the next question that must be answered is: “Who do I buy a quality heat pump from?” Well, the answer is simple, fill in our form, then we can get you prices from trusted installers with MCS accreditation, so that you can make an informed decision on what will work best for you. 

Visit Compare Renewables!

At Compare Renewables, we are experienced professionals who are passionate about renewable energy and the environment. We’re here to help you find the best company for your renewable heat pump installation and ensure that installation goes as smoothly as possible.

We know that many people want to install their own heat pump but don’t know where to start or what they need. With our website, you can quickly compare quotes from local tradespeople specializing in renewable energy systems like heat pumps.

Just enter your post code and tell us about your needs—we’ll do all the rest! If you have any questions about installing one of these systems in your house, please contact us today!